Writers are dreamers.
I am a writer, a yogi and a community connector with two kids and a dog named Kashi. I imagine a world where we can fly and time travel in our dreams. I already do.
I have learned that one of the best questions to ask is simply why, and one of the best answers is I don’t know. When I ask my gurus how do I… the answer is often Meditate More.
I am at my best when I’m in nature, skiing powder, playing in the waves, dancing in the kitchen or in the thick of one of my passion projects. I do love a city fix, but I am grateful that I live in the mountains. I want to lead my life with love and compassion, and I believe if I can do that, I will be a true leader.
My proudest accomplishments since I moved to Jackson Hole, WY in 2010 from Rochester, NY, include skiing Corbets Couloir with my kids, having Jane Goodall walk my dog, playing Edwin McCain’s guitar, getting my middle school soccer team to join me one day in my 365-day handstand challenge and starting TEDxJacksonHole and Six Minutes Daily. I left a piece of my heart in Africa and another in India. I hope my ashes will return to all of the places I love.
I want to travel more, to see my children thrive, to fall in love everywhere I go. I believe that we can love places easier than we love people. I am trying to learn from my mistakes and not take things for granted. I am digging deeper into topics that scare me, like my shadow side. I am learning to follow through on promises to myself and others. I want to hold myself accountable in ways that inspire the people I love.
“If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I shouldn’t look any further than my own backyard.”
— Dorothy