Six Minutes Daily

Six Minutes Daily offers simple tools and support to help you establish a practice of 3 minutes of Breath, 2 minutes of Positive Intentions and 1 minute of Gratitude a day to bring your core values and purpose to light and illuminate your creativity.

The free mobile phone app is part of a mindfulness movement that has proven to increase vitality and empower people to lead their lives with purpose. Like getting enough sleep and drinking enough water, a daily practice can be a challenge. Our hope is that six minutes daily becomes as common as brushing your teeth every morning.

Scientific evidence continues to pour in that a path to success requires shifting negative internal mental patterns to positive intentions. The app walks you through three simple exercises to help you breathe, and write your intentions and gratitudes. It also keeps a record of your writing in a virtual journal so you can track your progress and measure your success. Everything that happens in the universe begins with intention, says Deepok Chopra, Breath and gratitude create the space for your intentions to blossom.

Sandy and I began dreaming of Six Minutes Daily on 11/11/11. Like 3+2+1, the apps simple formula for creating vitality, 1+1+1+1+1+1 equals 6. In numerology, the number six is connected with balance, responsibility and love. It is the most harmonious of the single digit numbers, representing the teacher in us all. The six pointed star has been known through history as the coming together of heaven and earth.

Sign up today by downloading the App with this QR Code.

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Don't count the days. Make the days count ~Muhammad Ali